and Safe Drinking Water

Santa Fe’s fourth source of drinking water comes from the Blanco Basin in the Colorado Rockies. Learn about its journey and the history of how it came to be.
tons of CO2 saved over 25-years
re-plantings of native vegetation
dollars for habitat restoration
dollars in capital contributions
Tours focus on the technology that process Rio Grande raw surface water into clean drinking water for the community of Santa Fe, and invites groups of various ages and education levels ranging from Junior high school to graduate studies for customized tours.
Operators are required to receive yearly training at the BDD, meeting all NM Environment Department (NMED) requirements and encourages all BDD staff to obtain higher education and certifications in their field of work.
Current standards involve testing drinking water quality for more than 95 contaminants, including:
7 radiochemical contaminants (radionuclides)
8 disinfection by-products & residuals
9 microbials
18 inorganics
53 organics
The film comprehensively describes the three major elements of sustainable water as:
In order to improve the understanding of sustainable water in our area of Northern New Mexico, Charlie Nylander scripted, narrated and produced this educational video that describes the major elements of sustainable water in the Espanola Basin. Numerous water management topics are discussed, and Buckman Direct Diversion, the City of Santa Fe’s Conservation departments, and The Club at Las Campanas’ golf course water conservation initiatives are also featured in this video.
This video was funded by Los Alamos County on behalf of the Espanola Basin Regional Issues Forum (EBRIF), ad hoc forum of county, city, and tribal governments located within the hydrologic basin described as the Espanola Basin.
Las Campanas Water Conservation or Sustainable Water in the Espanola Basin
Credit to Charlie Nylander and Las Campanas Golf Course for use of this video by BDD.
Our water quality is double checked and supervised by our oversight
organizations to assure your water is safe and clean.
The Buckman Direct Diversion has received a number of awards and certifications,
defining the facility as a national leader in water treatment quality.