Water quality is monitored by computerized on-line instruments at each stage of the treatment process to ensure the drinking water is safe and meets all EPA and NMED standards. Frequent water quality tests are conducted, aided by an in-plant laboratory and a professional compliance officer. The compliance staff collect water samples to be tested at certified laboratories and submits monthly reports to NMED. These reports and other relevant water quality results will be shared with the community.  As data becomes available, it will be posted on our website. The BDD will also provide an annual water quality report.

BDD Daily Diversion Meters Reads

Other Reports

**3/6/17 – Due to a glitch in computer programming translation, and continued issues with transferring information from one system to another, the Rio Grande Diversion numbers were not displayed correctly from 3/3/17 to 3/6/17.  BDD has been diverting water according to the set schedule each week.  If you have any questions about diversion, please call BDD Operations at 955-4505.

Please contact Randy Sugrue, Operations Superintendent at (505) 955-4501 for more information.