The Buckman Direct Diversion (BDD) Board and Staff are active on many fronts to assure that the BDD Project provides excellent quality drinking water that meets all federal and state safe drinking water standards. The BDD Project operates in full compliance with all permits and requirements.

Read More About BDD Water Quality:


BDD produces drinking water of excellent quality. In addition to assuring that BDD Project drinking water will be better than the safe drinking water quality requirements, the BDD Board has proactively addressed community concerns about potential LANL contamination as it relates to the BDD drinking water. The BDD Board has been active on many fronts to:

  • assure BDD drinking water meets all safe drinking water standards;
  • measure and publicize the potential occurrence of LANL origin contaminants in the river upstream of the diversion structure; and
  • make public the results of analytical tests performed on drinking water.