A safe and dependable water supply is vital to our Santa Fe community and is the primary mission of the Santa Fe City’s Water Division. The City’s Water Division provides annual comprehensive Water Quality Reports on the water quality from all four sources of water supply meeting all U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and NM State drinking water quality standards. This report contains additional information detailing where our water comes from, what it contains and how it compares to standards set by Federal and State regulatory agencies. It also provides educational information on contaminants which may be a concern.

BDD’s high quality, advanced treated surface water supply is blended in with the City’s reservoir and aquifer sources of water producing a superior quality drinking water for City and County consumers. Buckman Direct Diversion’s results are listed in this report, as well as our own individual results shown in chart form separately below. BDD staff take pride in providing clean, safe, great-tasting quality water that exceeds governmental standards.


To obtain detailed analytical information of drinking water compliance testing sampling results collected by the New Mexico Environment Department, please visit www.dww.water.net.env.nm.gov/DWW/ and follow the instructions below:

  1. type in “Buckman” in the principle water system name section
  2. choose in “Santa Fe” from the Principal County dropdown
  3. choose in “Community” from the Water System Type dropdown
  4. type in “Surface Water” from the Primary Source Water Type dropdown
  5. select a desired value from the list provided in the sample class section
  6. select a date range in the collection date range section (The Sample Search always produces results from the last 2 years, unless you provide a specific date range.)
  7. click “search for sample”