Fun In the Sun at the Children Youth Services Summer Program Ends on a Wet Note

Lots of kids, plenty of assistants, volunteers, Santa Fe fire and police, DJ music, swimming and dancing rounded up the last day of summer  program at Alto/Bicentennial Park. Approximately 900 kiddos who attended the summer recreation program celebrated in fine Santa Fe fashion.

But what’s a hot July picnic day in the park without water?  The temperature topped 85 degrees and even though a good majority of the park is covered in trees, everyone needed to stay hydrated. 

The City of Santa Fe Water Division and Buckman Direct Diversion helped out the city’s Children Youth Services (CYS) Division by providing a 500 gallon drinking water tank for the program’s day of fun.  With the help of program assistants manning the tank spigot, kids and adults lined up to refill their water bottles, or grab water-filled Dixie cups throughout the day to keep hydrated!

The water need didn’t end there. The last, most-anticipated activity of the day was the Santa Fe City Fire department’s water truck spraying the mass group of kids on the nicely groomed Bicentennial park baseball fields. The firefighters hooked into a nearby hydrant and fan-sprayed everyone from the street overlooking the fields.

If you ask any of the kids what was one of the most memorable part of the day, we’ll venture to say being sprayed by the fire hoses on a beautiful, hot summer day. Thanks to the SF Firefighters who created lasting childhood memories for those kids… and thanks to the City’s Water Division, and Buckman Direct Diversion for providing that water for those fire hoses!


Check out the City of Santa Fe’s #WeAreSantaFe video filmed at the CYS end of summer program day!

What’s your favorite part of Santa Fe? Ours is WATER!



Posted by City of Santa Fe on Thursday, August 4, 2016