Imagine a Day Without Water

“When the well is dry, we learn the worth of water.” » Benjamin Franklin

Imagine a Day Without Water, just one day. The value of water will be recognized across the nation on Thursday, September 15th. Buckman Direct Diversion and the City of Santa Fe’s Water Conservation and Public Utilities departments are participating in this insightful public awareness effort. Santa Fe community, show and tell us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, what is your true #ValueofWater and, if you can even #ImagineADayWithoutWater! 

Santa Fe is proud to be home to the best water conservation efforts in the nation.  We are privileged to have some of the greatest tasting, best quality drinking water in the state of New Mexico and the United States. We love our water, and we love our jobs providing the best quality water for our community.  We want to assure the community that we are in the forefront of conservation and technological operating efforts.  Although we can’t control the weather and drought situations, we take extra caution with water usage and water management in this great high desert we live in. 

We value our water, and want to show you how much we care!  Please show us how you value our Santa Fe water! What is the value of water in your life?  For your family?  For children and seniors?  For your future, and your children’s future?

What would you miss the most?  Coffee, showers, working toilets, water for your pets and plants, a tall glass of fresh cold water….?? Imagine not having water for just ONE DAY!  

Support and sign up at  Follow, share, comment and post pictures on our pages showing how you celebrate why water is important to you this week, Thursday, September 15th!  Hashtag how you value our Santa Fe water at #ImagineADayWithoutWater  #ValueofWater

Follow us and post on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram:  

 BDD Water SF @BDD_Water:

 facebook-icon  Buckman Direct Diversion FB: 

 facebook-icon  Santa Fe Water Conservation FB:

 Instagram-icon  Santa Fe Water Conservation Instagram:  



water in a glass