Las Conchas Fire Stormwater Update

The BDD Board shares the public’s concern regarding raw river water that has shown to have elevated levels of contaminants including heavy metals and radionuclides in ash, ash-laden sediment and ash impacted by stormwater from burned areas of the Las Conchas Fire.

The BDD Board has taken several steps to protect Santa Fe’s drinking water and ensure it is safe to drink. Vigorous test sampling and monitoring of both pre and post treatment water are on-going and rapid sampling processing by independent laboratories has been requested.

Results of water quality samples taken of treated drinking water are better than Safe Drinking Water Standards.

To address the public’s questions, please see our Frequently Asked Questions regarding stormwater protection. In addition, we have posted several PowerPoint presentations and summaries on stormwater monitoring and water quality monitoring after the Las Conchas fire in the Resources section.

Monitoring results have only recently been posted due to a complex website software re-design to collect and send hourly diversion flow data directly to the website for real-time public reporting. Results for all storm related events to date has been finalized and can be viewed on the Stormwater Monitoring Summary page. Monitoring results will be posted timely.


For more data information visit: